my approach
When it comes to nutrition and wellness, I strive to know all the facts and pass that knowledge along. I’ll never be pushy or judge. I will guide and offer truth and insight to those who want it.
I firmly believe everything we need to be the best version of ourselves is on this earth naturally. Plain and simple. We ALL can do better. For ourselves and the earth we live on. (That wasn’t pushy right?)
Dream it
That’s right, half the battle is envisioning the success we crave. So dream it! Lets say you’d like to drink less alcohol at night… then imagine yourself coming home and knocking back some herbal tea. (And feeling good about it!) If you’d like to stop with all those sugary/salty snacks, then picture yourself having some fruit instead. It’s a process. Indeed sometimes a rough process, but doable. AND WORTH IT.
Conquer it
One step at a time. Small goals. No time for negative thinking. Perfection isn’t the end goal. Feeling good mentally and physically is. So… Get the alcohol out of the house… Let someone else take over the grocery shopping and make them a list (without sweets and salty snacks). There’s always a way to make it possible. And its never too late to change habits. You got this. EAT IT UP!